family nudism – rules and family values
Family nudism is a social movement the followers of it get free from clothing as they find it more comfortable. Nudists organize their leisure pastime places separately from other people. This can be a sportive ground, hotel, swimming pool, a nude beach. They do not see their point in undressing, but in feeling more comfortable. Nevertheless, family nudism clubs do not have their own philosophy that could account for their nudity. For instance, naturists who love appearing nude on beaches explain their stripping down as desire to be closer to nature.
Family nudism has become very popular recently, and entire nudist families join it. Parents teach their children not to be ashamed of their nudity. According to recent researches, children from nudist families start their sexual life later than other children of their age. For them, nudity is natural and is not a matter of interest or a reason for being shy.
Female nudists with beautiful forms often attract much attention from strangers, and so do nudist pictures. But for family nudism fans there exist rigid moral norms, preventing them from depravity. There is no direct connection between nudity on a beach and satisfying one’s sexual needs. For them it is only a way to get liberated. Women who participate in nudism movement think that in getting undressed they overcome their fear of society.
Nudist teenagers lose control
Brattleborough is a small bohemian town in Vermont. Its population is rather patient towards nudists. They regularly hold a festival celebrating nudity and defiance. But a group of teenagers started undressing in the downtown area in front of restaurants, shops and galleries scandalized everyone in town. Teenager nudists can compromise the ideas of family nudism and bring society to distorted vision of nudity itself. The first public nudity incident took place early in summer. A few nude girls were spotted in a park. Last month there were already a dozen teenagers stripping in downtown area not far from bookstores, coffee houses and restaurants. But the culprits state that that was an act of freedom. ‘We are doing what we wanna do. That’s it’ – was the feedback from teen nudists. Some Brattleborough citizens don’t mind. Others feel offended. They think that such escapades on the side of teenagers can affect their sate of business affairs. There is no nudity prohibiting law in Vermont. Municipal authorities can impose such laws locally. Brattlborough still doesn’t have such law, but it is a distinct possibility that unruly behavior of local teens will induce authorities to accept it. Meanwhile they are taking their time waiting for the fall.
family nudism – celebrities participating in nudism movement
Looks like the so much spoken about international revolution happened in an unexpected place and in an unexpected way. Struggle for freedom from pants and bras is spreading. There are educational societies opening everywhere in the world with nudism and naturism followers. There are more than 50 of them in CIS. There may come a time when one would be charged for wearing a swimsuit, not for lacking one.
UNESCO unites more than ten million family nudism followers worldwide. Isadora Duncan and ex-princess Diana, Madonna and Schwarzenegger loved swaggering their nudity. The brightest minds of humanity welcomed nudism. That’s right, nudism was preached by Kafka and Bernard Shaw, Wolfgang Goethe and Herman Gosse, Albert Einstein and Albert Camus, Lev Gumilev and ‘the Russian revolution mirror’ – Lev Tolstoy. Let alone the mirror, with the chief of international revolution Vladimir Lenin and his political rival tsar Nicholas II were known as confirmed followers of family nudism. It’s a shame that they never made a party on this common ground. Lenin decided to have his own way.
Nude philosophy goes still deeper into masses. And it doesn’t matter if you are dressed or undressed right now, the only thing that matters is that you know that you are better off nude. So think twice – what if family nudism is your happily ever after? But it is a long way before international nudism revolution takes over. Think that the control stock of humanity is owned by Asia – 51% of earth population lives there. And in oriental countries one can not only be fined for public nudity, but also sentenced to capital punishment. Even in such highly industrialized country like Turkey Islamic fundamentalists believe that there should be separate areas for men and women on a beach, and there cannot be any talking about nude beaches.
family nudism – backgrounds for undressing on a nude beach
There are as many reasons for undressing as there are groups, fractions and even sects among nude people. The purest and most innocent among them are family nudism followers. Naturists are people with unflinching morals. They are puritans among nudists. They have no drinking or smoking habits and they don’t… I was about to say that they don’t have sex. But yes, they do – otherwise they wouldn’t be humans, but angels. They get naked for getting closer to nature and to other people.
Nudists have simpler philosophy. They don’t have idealistic side to them. They just like sunbathing nude for a more even suntan. Nudists would not hang about the beach impatient to get dressed – they simply need no clothing on a beach. A kid once was known to inquire of his mom when first time on a beach if nudists had no money to buy swimsuits.
God created Adam in His image and likeness. But as long as Adam would wander about Eden stark naked it is natural to assume that God was not dressed either. Pay attention – Adam and Eve were cast away from paradise only when they got dressed! In other words, being clothed is being sinful. Clothing is the obstacle between people and God. There are people who worship the Creator of all the living things nude eager to overcome this obstacle. They call themselves Adamists. What if all family nudism followers could come together and start a huge party! But as the great chief Lenin put it, before uniting one needs to firmly fix the boundaries. This assumption is entirely applicable to nudists. The fix their boundaries with real enthusiasm, naturists get separated from nudists, the latter don’t acknowledge apolists, Adamists get naked separately as well, and all of them silently despise exhibitionists. However, the latter never mingle with true nudity fans – there is no one to startle with so many people promoting family nudism.
The social importance of nudity is so high that family nudism is employed in various actions. For example, in public protests. A certain Tania from Kustanai strutted down the streets of her town nude, regardless of considerably low temperature. In this way she protested against her paramour’s terminal departure for Germany. ‘If he doesn’t want me – everyone else will!’ – such was her motto. Alas, the protest march ended too soon for the brave fighter for national treasure – hardly surprising with winters being that cold in Kustanai.
Only revolution which is immune to attacks is worth something. Mayor of Fort-George, Iowa was unlucky to ban out family nudist and nude dancing in local bars in the state. In response to this a group of nude paratroopers decided to work on their airborne tactics. Fourteen brave revolutionists landed on the streets in their birth costumes gliding for a considerable while. Unfortunately, there was no law against nude paratrooping for the hapless Mayor to apply to.
A funny incident took place in Indonesia. Local rangers attempted arresting a group of poaching lumberjacks. But right in the middle of the raid the poachers’ wives put up a public family nudism act stripping down and attacking rangers who simply had no guts to hurt the new amazons and drew back.
It is much more efficient to protest nude – nudity attracts more attention. A group of students was known to mob in Helsinki protesting against decrease in educational supply. Demonstration had not cause much commotion – just another student get-together, until the unflinching leader thought that it would be wise to undress and climb nude to the roof with his megaphone. The action was none too slow to draw a wide social response.
Radical party members in Italy did something of this sort. When the party leader Marco Penella accused the government of conspiracy and claimed to be told ‘bare truth’ in future, six of active party members threw away their clothes. Twelve leading models of Spain protested against environment pollution in their unique way, posing nude for calendar against heaps of waste or covered in mud.